

plural of wherry

Source: Wiktionary


Wher"ry, n.; pl. Wherries. Etym: [Cf. Icel. hverfr shifty, crank, hverfa to turn, E. whirl, wharf.] (Naut.) (a) A passenger barge or lighter plying on rivers; also, a kind of light, half-decked vessel used in fishing. [Eng.] (b) A long, narrow, light boat, sharp at both ends, for fast rowing or sailing; esp., a racing boat rowed by one person with sculls.

Wher"ry, n. Etym: [Cf. W. chwerw bitter.]

Definition: A liquor made from the pulp of crab apples after the verjuice is expressed; -- sometimes called crab wherry. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

11 May 2024


(noun) (always used with a modifier) boredom resulting from overexposure to something; “he was suffering from museum fatigue”; “after watching TV with her husband she had a bad case of football fatigue”; “the American public is experiencing scandal fatigue”; “political fatigue”

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Coffee Trivia

Decaffeinated coffee is not caffeine-free. Studies from the National Institute of Health (US) have shown that virtually all decaf coffee types contain caffeine. A 236-ml (8-oz) cup of decaf coffee contains up to 7 mg of caffeine, whereas a regular cup provided 70-140 mg.

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