

plural of timbering

Source: Wiktionary


Tim"ber*ing, n.

Definition: The act of furnishing with timber; also, timbers, collectively; timberwork; timber.


Tim"ber, n. Etym: [Probably the same word as timber sort of wood; cf. Sw. timber, LG. timmer, MHG. zimber, G. zimmer, F. timbre, LL. timbrium. Cf. Timmer.] (Com.)

Definition: A certain quantity of fur skins, as of martens, ermines, sables, etc., packed between boards; being in some cases forty skins, in others one hundred and twenty; -- called also timmer. [Written also timbre.]

Tim"ber, n. Etym: [F. timbre. See Timbre.] (Her.)

Definition: The crest on a coat of arms. [Written also timbre.]

Tim"ber, v. t.

Definition: To surmount as a timber does. [Obs.]

Tim"ber, n. Etym: [AS. timbor, timber, wood, building; akin to OFries. timber, D. timmer a room, G. zimmer, OHG. zimbar timber, a dwelling, room, Icel. timbr timber, Sw. timmer, Dan. tömmer, Goth. timrjan to build, timrja a builder, L. domus a house, Gr. dama a house. *62. Cf. Dome, Domestic.]

1. That sort of wood which is proper for buildings or for tools, utensils, furniture, carriages, fences, ships, and the like; -- usually said of felled trees, but sometimes of those standing. Cf. Lumber, 3. And ta'en my fiddle to the gate, . . . And fiddled in the timber! Tennyson.

2. The body, stem, or trunk of a tree.

3. Fig.: Material for any structure. Such dispositions are the very errors of human nature; and yet they are the fittest timber to make politics of. Bacon.

4. A single piece or squared stick of wood intended for building, or already framed; collectively, the larger pieces or sticks of wood, forming the framework of a house, ship, or other structure, in distinction from the covering or boarding. So they prepared timber . . . to build the house. 1 Kings v. 18. Many of the timbers were decayed. W. Coxe.

5. Woods or forest; wooden land. [Western U.S.]

6. (Shipbuilding)

Definition: A rib, or a curving piece of wood, branching outward from the keel and bending upward in a vertical direction. One timber is composed of several pieces united. Timber and room. (Shipbuilding) Same as Room and space. See under Room.

– Timber beetle (Zoöl.), any one of numerous species of beetles the larvæ of which bore in timber; as, the silky timber beetle (Lymexylon sericeum).

РTimber doodle (Zo̦l.), the American woodcock. [Local, U.S.] -- Timber grouse (Zo̦l.), any species of grouse that inhabits woods, as the ruffed grouse and spruce partridge; -- distinguished from prairie grouse.

– Timber hitch (Naut.), a kind of hitch used for temporarily marking fast a rope to a spar. See Illust. under Hitch.

– Timber mare, a kind of instrument upon which soldiers were formerly compelled to ride for punishment. Johnson.

– Timber scribe, a metal tool or pointed instrument for marking timber. Simmonds.

РTimber sow. (Zo̦l.) Same as Timber worm, below. Bacon.

– Timber tree, a tree suitable for timber.

РTimber worm (Zo̦l.), any larval insect which burrows in timber.

– Timber yard, a yard or place where timber is deposited.

Tim"ber, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Timbered; p. pr. & vb. n. Timbering.]

Definition: To furnish with timber; -- chiefly used in the past participle. His bark is stoutly timbered. Shak.

Tim"ber, v. i.

1. To light on a tree. [Obs.]

2. (Falconry)

Definition: To make a nest.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


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15 July 2024


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Coffee Trivia

According to Guinness World Records, the largest iced coffee is 14,228.1 liters and was created by Caffé Bene (South Korea), in Yangju, South Korea, on 17 July 2014. They poured iced black Americano on the giant cup that measured 3.3 meters tall and 2.62 meters wide.

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