

plural of tempest

Source: Wiktionary


Tem"pest, n. Etym: [OF. tempeste, F. tempĂȘte, (assumed) LL. tempesta, fr. L. tempestas a portion of time, a season, weather, storm, akin to tempus time. See Temporal of time.]

1. An extensive current of wind, rushing with great velocity and violence, and commonly attended with rain, hail, or snow; a furious storm. [We] caught in a fiery tempest, shall be hurled, Each on his rock transfixed. Milton.

2. Fig.: Any violent tumult or commotion; as, a political tempest; a tempest of war, or of the passions.

3. A fashionable assembly; a drum. See the Note under Drum, n., 4. [Archaic] Smollett.

Note: Tempest is sometimes used in the formation of self-explaining compounds; as, tempest-beaten, tempest-loving, tempest-tossed, tempest-winged, and the like.


– Storm; agitation; perturbation. See Storm.

Tem"pest, v. t. Etym: [Cf. OF. tempester, F. tempĂȘter to rage.]

Definition: To disturb as by a tempest. [Obs.] Part huge of bulk Wallowing unwieldy, enormous in their gait, Tempest the ocean. Milton.

Tem"pest, v. i.

Definition: To storm. [Obs.] B. Jonson.


Tem"pest, n. Etym: [OF. tempeste, F. tempĂȘte, (assumed) LL. tempesta, fr. L. tempestas a portion of time, a season, weather, storm, akin to tempus time. See Temporal of time.]

1. An extensive current of wind, rushing with great velocity and violence, and commonly attended with rain, hail, or snow; a furious storm. [We] caught in a fiery tempest, shall be hurled, Each on his rock transfixed. Milton.

2. Fig.: Any violent tumult or commotion; as, a political tempest; a tempest of war, or of the passions.

3. A fashionable assembly; a drum. See the Note under Drum, n., 4. [Archaic] Smollett.

Note: Tempest is sometimes used in the formation of self-explaining compounds; as, tempest-beaten, tempest-loving, tempest-tossed, tempest-winged, and the like.


– Storm; agitation; perturbation. See Storm.

Tem"pest, v. t. Etym: [Cf. OF. tempester, F. tempĂȘter to rage.]

Definition: To disturb as by a tempest. [Obs.] Part huge of bulk Wallowing unwieldy, enormous in their gait, Tempest the ocean. Milton.

Tem"pest, v. i.

Definition: To storm. [Obs.] B. Jonson.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

7 July 2024


(adjective) free from danger or risk; “secure from harm”; “his fortune was secure”; “made a secure place for himself in his field”

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According to WorldAtlas, Canada is the only non-European country to make its top ten list of coffee consumers. The United States at a distant 25 on the list.

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