supremely, sublimely

(adverb) to the maximum degree; “he was supremely confident”; “He seemed irritated at Edouard’s questions but, apart from that, sublimely unconcerned”; “she remained sublimely oblivious to the possible havoc she might have caused”


(adverb) in a lofty and exalted manner; “it is an enormous, fruit-packed wine, smelling sublimely of ripe blackcurrants”

Source: WordNet® 3.1



sublimely (comparative more sublimely, superlative most sublimely)

In a sublime manner.

Source: Wiktionary

Sub*lime"ly, adv.

Definition: In a sublime manner.


Sub*lime", a. [Compar. Sublimer; superl. Sublimest.] Etym: [L. sublimis; sub under + (perhaps) a word akin to limen lintel, sill, thus meaning, up to the lintel: cf. F. sublime. Cf. Eliminate.]

1. Lifted up; high in place; exalted aloft; uplifted; lofty. Sublime on these a tower of steel is reared. Dryden.

2. Distinguished by lofty or noble traits; eminent; -- said of persons. "The sublime Julian leader." De Quincey.

3. Awakening or expressing the emotion of awe, adoration, veneration, heroic resolve, etc.; dignified; grand; solemn; stately; -- said of an impressive object in nature, of an action, of a discourse, of a work of art, of a spectacle, etc.; as, sublime scenery; a sublime deed. Easy in words thy style, in sense sublime. Prior. Know how sublime a thing it is To suffer and be strong. Longfellow.

4. Elevated by joy; elate. [Poetic] Their hearts were jocund and sublime, Drunk with idolatry, drunk with wine. Milton.

5. Lofty of mien; haughty; proud. [Poetic] "Countenance sublime and insolent." Spenser. His fair, large front and eye sublime declared Absolute rule. Milton.


– Exalted; lofty; noble; majestic. See Grand.

Sub*lime", n.

Definition: That which is sublime; -- with the definite article; as: (a) A grand or lofty style in speaking or writing; a style that expresses lofty conceptions. The sublime rises from the nobleness of thoughts, the magnificence of words, or the harmonious and lively turn of the phrase. Addison.

(b) That which is grand in nature or art, as distinguished from the merely beautiful.

Sub*lime", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Sublimed; p. pr. & vb. n. Subliming.] Etym: [Cf. L. sublimare, F. sublimer to subject to sublimation. See Sublime, a., and cf. Sublimate, v. t.]

1. To raise on high. [Archaic] A soul sublimed by an idea above the region of vanity and conceit. E. P. Whipple.

2. (Chem.)

Definition: To subject to the process of sublimation; to heat, volatilize, and condense in crystals or powder; to distill off, and condense in solid form; hence, also, to purify.

3. To exalt; to heighten; to improve; to purify. The sun . . . Which not alone the southern wit sublimes, But ripens spirits in cold, northern climes. Pope.

4. To dignify; to ennoble. An ordinary gift can not sublime a person to a supernatural employment. Jer. Taylor.

Sub*lime", v. i. (Chem.)

Definition: To pass off in vapor, with immediate condensation; specifically, to evaporate or volatilize from the solid state without apparent melting; -- said of those substances, like arsenic, benzoic acid, etc., which do not exhibit a liquid form on heating, except under increased pressure.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

5 October 2024


(noun) mattress consisting of a pad of cotton batting that is used for sleeping on the floor or on a raised frame

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