Sub*jec"tive, a. Etym: [L. subjectivus: cf. F. subjectif.]
1. Of or pertaining to a subject.
2. Especially, pertaining to, or derived from, one's own
consciousness, in distinction from external observation; ralating to
the mind, or intellectual world, in distinction from the outward or
material excessively occupied with, or brooding over, one's own
internal states.
Note: In the philosophy of the mind, subjective denotes what is to be
referred to the thinking subject, the ego; objective, what belongs to
the object of thought, the non-ego. See Objective, a., 2. Sir W.
3. (Lit. & Art)
Definition: Modified by, or making prominent, the individuality of a writer
or an artist; as, a subjective drama or painting; a subjective
– See Objective. Subjective sensation (Physiol.), one of the
sensations occurring when stimuli due to internal causes excite the
nervous apparatus of the sense organs, as when a person imagines he
sees figures which have no objective reality.
– Sub*jec"tive*ly, adv.
– Sub*jec"tive*ness, n.
Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition