cut, shortened

(adjective) with parts removed; “the drastically cut film”

shortened, sawn-off, sawed-off

(adjective) cut short; “a sawed-off shotgun”; “a sawed-off broomstick”; “the shortened rope was easier to use”

telescoped, shortened

(adjective) shortened by or as if by means of parts that slide one within another or are crushed one into another; “a miracle that anyone survived in the telescoped cars”; “years that seemed telescoped like time in a dream”

abbreviated, shortened, truncated

(adjective) cut short in duration; “the abbreviated speech”; “her shortened life was clearly the result of smoking”; “an unsatisfactory truncated conversation”

Source: WordNet® 3.1



simple past tense and past participle of shorten


• dethrones, endorseth, other ends, threnodes

Source: Wiktionary


Short"en, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Shortened ; p. pr. & vb. n. Shortening.] Etym: [See Short, a.]

1. To make short or shorter in measure, extent, or time; as, to shorten distance; to shorten a road; to shorten days of calamity.

2. To reduce or diminish in amount, quantity, or extent; to lessen; to abridge; to curtail; to contract; as, to shorten work, an allowance of food, etc. Here, where the subject is so fruitful, I am shortened by my chain. Dryden.

3. To make deficient (as to); to deprive; -- with of. Spoiled of his nose, and shortened of his ears. Dryden.

4. To make short or friable, as pastry, with butter, lard, pot liquor, or the like. To shorten a rope (Naut.), to take in the slack of it.

– To shorten sail (Naut.), to reduce sail by taking it in.

Short"en, v. i.

Definition: To become short or shorter; as, the day shortens in northern latitudes from June to December; a metallic rod shortens by cold.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

5 June 2024


(adjective) causing or capable of causing harm; “too much sun is harmful to the skin”; “harmful effects of smoking”

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Coffee Trivia

Plain brewed coffee contains almost no calories, while coffee with dairy products, sugar, and other flavorings is much higher in calories. An espresso has 20 calories. A nonfat latte has 72, while a flavored one has 134.

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