
ruffling (plural rufflings)

The action of the verb ruffle



present participle of ruffle

Source: Wiktionary


Ruf"fle, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ruffled; p. pr. & vb. n. Ruffling.] Etym: [From Ruff a plaited collar, a drum beat, a tumult: cf. OD. ruyffelen to wrinkle.]

1. To make into a ruff; to draw or contract into puckers, plaits, or folds; to wrinkle.

2. To furnish with ruffles; as, to ruffle a shirt.

3. To oughen or disturb the surface of; to make uneven by agitation or commotion. The fantastic revelries . . . that so often ruffled the placid bosom of the Nile. I. Taylor. She smoothed the ruffled seas. Dryden.

4. To erect in a ruff, as feathers. [the swan] ruffles her pure cold plume. Tennyson.

5. (Mil.)

Definition: To beat with the ruff or ruffle, as a drum.

6. To discompose; to agitate; to disturb. These ruffle the tranquillity of the mind. Sir W. Hamilton. But, ever after, the small violence done Rankled in him and ruffled all his heart. Tennyson.

7. To throw into disorder or confusion. Where best He might the ruffled foe infest. Hudibras.

8. To throw together in a disorderly manner. [R.] I ruffled up falen leaves in heap. Chapman To ruffle the feathers of, to exite the resentment of; to irritate.

Ruf"fle, v. i. Etym: [Perhaps of different origin from ruffle to wrinkle; cf. OD. roffeln, roffen, to pander, LG. raffein, Dan. ruffer a pimp. Cf. Rufflan.]

1. To grow rough, boisterous, or turbulent. [R.] The night comes on, and the bleak winds Do sorely ruffle. Shak.

2. To become disordered; to play loosely; to flutter. On his right shoulder his thick mane reclined, Ruffles at speed, and dances in the wind. Dryden.

3. To be rough; to jar; to be in contention; hence, to put on airs; to swagger. They would ruffle with jurors. Bacon. Gallants who ruffled in silk and embroidery. Sir W. Scott.

Ruf"fle, n. Etym: [See Ruffle, v. t. & i.]

1. That which is ruffled; specifically, a strip of lace, cambric, or other fine cloth, plaited or gathered on one edge or in the middle, and used as a trimming; a frill.

2. A state of being ruffled or disturbed; disturbance; agitation; commotion; as, to put the mind in a ruffle.

3. (Mil.)

Definition: A low, vibrating beat of a drum, not so loud as a roll; -- called also ruff. H. L. Scott.

4. (Zoöl.)

Definition: The connected series of large egg capsules, or oöthecæ, of any one of several species of American marine gastropods of the genus Fulgur. See Oötheca. Ruffle of a boot, the top turned down, and scalloped or plaited. Halliwell.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


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Coffee Trivia

Some 16th-century Italian clergymen tried to ban coffee because they believed it to be “satanic.” However, Pope Clement VII loved coffee so much that he lifted the ban and had coffee baptized in 1600.

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