
(adjective) given to rhetoric, emphasizing style at the expense of thought; “mere rhetorical frippery”


(adjective) of or relating to rhetoric; “accepted two or three verbal and rhetorical changes I suggested”- W.A.White; “the rhetorical sin of the meaningless variation”- Lewis Mumford

Source: WordNet® 3.1



rhetorical (not comparable)

Part of or similar to rhetoric, the use of language as a means to persuade.

Not earnest, or presented only for the purpose of an argument.

Source: Wiktionary

Rhe*tor"ic*al, a. Etym: [L. rhetoricus, Gr. Rhetoric.]

Definition: Of or pertaining to rhetoric; according to, or exhibiting, rhetoric; oratorical; as, the rhetorical art; a rhetorical treatise; a rhetorical flourish. They permit him to leave their poetical taste ungratified, provided that he gratifies their rhetorical sense. M. Arnold.

– Rhe*tor"ic*al*ly, adv.

– Rhe*tor"ic*al*ness, n.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

1 July 2024


(verb) cause someone or something to move by driving; “She drove me to school every day”; “We drove the car to the garage”

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Coffee Trivia

The world’s most expensive coffee costs more than US$700 per kilogram. Asian palm civet – a cat-like creature in Indonesia, eats fruits, including select coffee cherries. It excretes partially digested seeds that produce a smooth, less acidic brew of coffee called kopi luwak.

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