

present participle of retrieve


retrieving (plural retrievings)

An act of retrieval.

Source: Wiktionary


Re*trieve", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Retrieved; p. pr. & vb. n. Retrieving.] Etym: [OE. retreven, OF. retrover to find again, recover (il retroevee finds again), F. retrouver; pref. re- re- + OF. trover to find, F. trouver. See Trover.]

1. To find again; to recover; to regain; to restore from loss or injury; as, to retrieve one's character; to retrieve independence. With late repentance now they would retrieve The bodies they forsook, and wish to live. Dryden

2. To recall; to bring back. To retrieve them from their cold, trivial conceits. Berkeley.

3. To remedy the evil consequence of, to repair, as a loss or damadge. Accept my sorrow, and retrieve my fall. Prior. There is much to be done . . . and much to be retrieved. Burke.


– To recover; regain; recruit; repair; restore.

Re*trieve", v. i. (Sport.)

Definition: To discover and bring in game that has been killed or wounded; as, a dog naturally inclined to retrieve. Walsh.

Re*trieve", n.

1. A seeking again; a discovery. [Obs.] B. Jonson.

2. The recovery of game once sprung; -- an old sporting term. [Obs.] Nares.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

2 July 2024


(verb) move through a space, circuit or system, returning to the starting point; “Blood circulates in my veins”; “The air here does not circulate”

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