

Third-person singular simple present indicative form of recreate

Source: Wiktionary


Re`-cre*ate" (r`kr*t"), v. t. Etym: [Pref. re- + create.]

Definition: To create or form anew. On opening the campaign of 1776, instead of reënforcing, it was necessary to re-create, the army. Marshall.

Rec"re*ate (rk"r*t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Recreated (-`td); p. pr. & vb. n. Recreating.] Etym: [L. recreatus, p. p. of recreate to create anew, to refresh; pref. re- re- + creare to create. See Create.]

Definition: To give fresh life to; to reanimate; to revive; especially, to refresh after wearying toil or anxiety; to relieve; to cheer; to divert; to amuse; to gratify. Painters, when they work on white grounds, place before them colors mixed with blue and green, to recreate their eyes, white wearying . . . the sight more than any. Dryden. St. John, who recreated himself with sporting with a tame partridge. Jer. Taylor. These ripe fruits recreate the nostrils with their aromatic scent. Dr. H. More.

Rec"re*ate, v. i.

Definition: To take recreation. L. Addison.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

3 July 2024


(noun) an excited state of agitation; “he was in a dither”; “there was a terrible flap about the theft”

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Coffee Trivia

Raw coffee beans, soaked in water and spices, are chewed like candy in many parts of Africa.

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