
(adverb) to the greatest extent; completely; “you’re quite right”; “she was quite alone”; “was quite mistaken”; “quite the opposite”; “not quite finished”; “did not quite make it”

quite, rather

(adverb) to a degree (not used with a negative); “quite tasty”; “quite soon”; “quite ill”; “quite rich”

quite, quite a, quite an

(adverb) of an unusually noticeable or exceptional or remarkable kind (not used with a negative); “her victory was quite something”; “she’s quite a girl”; “quite a film”; “quite a walk”; “we’ve had quite an afternoon”


(adverb) actually or truly or to an extreme; “was quite a sudden change”; “it’s quite the thing to do”; “quite the rage”; “Quite so!”

Source: WordNet® 3.1

Etymology 1


quite (not comparable)

(heading) To the greatest extent or degree; completely, entirely.

Synonyms: absolutely, fully, thoroughly, totally, utterly

With verbs, especially past participles. [from 14th c.]

With prepositional phrases and spatial adverbs. [from 15th c.]

With predicative adjectives. [from 15th c.]

With attributive adjectives, following an (especially indefinite) article; chiefly as expressing contrast, difference etc. [from 16th c.]

Preceding nouns introduced by the indefinite article. Chiefly in negative constructions. [from 16th c.]

With adverbs of manner. [from 17th c.]

(heading) In a fully justified sense; truly, perfectly, actually.

Coming before the indefinite article and an attributive adjective. (Now largely merged with moderative senses, below.) [from 17th c.]

With plain adjectives, past participles, and adverbs. [from 18th c.]

Coming before the definite article and an attributive superlative. [from 18th c.]

Before a noun preceded by an indefinite article; now often with ironic implications that the noun in question is particularly noteworthy or remarkable. [from 18th c.]

Before a noun preceded by the definite article. [from 18th c.]

(now, rare) With prepositional or adverbial phrases. [from 18th c.]

To a moderate extent or degree; somewhat, rather. [from 19th c.]

Antonym: slightly

Usage notes

• This is a non-descriptive qualifier, similar to fairly and rather and somewhat. Used where a plain adjective needs to be modified, but cannot be qualified. When spoken, the meaning can vary with the tone of voice and stress. He was quite big can mean anything from "not exactly small" to "almost huge".



(chiefly, UK) Indicates agreement; "exactly so".

Etymology 2


quite (plural quites)

(bullfighting) A series of passes made with the cape to distract the bull.


• quiet

Source: Wiktionary

Quite, v. t. & i.

Definition: See Quit. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Quite, adv. Etym: [F. quite discharged, free, clear; cf. OF. quitement freely, frankly, entirely. See Quit, a.]

1. Completely; wholly; entirely; totally; perfectly; as, the work is not quite done; the object is quite accomplished; to be quite mistaken. Man shall not quite be lost, but saved who will. Milton. The same actions may be aimed at different ends, and arise from quite contrary principles. Spectator.

2. To a great extent or degree; very; very much; considerably. "Quite amusing." Macaulay. He really looks quite concerned. Landor. The island stretches along the land and is quite close to it. Jowett (Thucyd. ).

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

18 June 2024


(noun) an extended (often showy) succession of persons or things; “a parade of strollers on the mall”; “a parade of witnesses”

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