

plural of pruning


• ringspun, spurning

Source: Wiktionary


Prun"ing, n.

1. The act of trimming, or removing what is superfluous.

2. (Falconry)

Definition: That which is cast off by bird in pruning her feathers; leavings. Beau. & Fl. Pruning hook, or Pruning knife, cutting instrument used in pruning trees, etc.

– Pruning shears, shears for pruning trees, vines, etc.


Prune, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Pruned; p. pr. & vb. n. Pruning.] Etym: [OE. proine, probably fr. F. provigner to lay down vine stocks for propagation; hence, probably, the meaning, to cut away superfluous shoots. See Provine.]

1. To lop or cut off the superfluous parts, branches, or shoots of; to clear of useless material; to shape or smooth by trimming; to trim: as, to prune trees; to prune an essay. Thackeray. Taking into consideration how they [laws] are to be pruned and reformed. Bacon. Our delightful task To prune these growing plants, and tend these flowers. Milton.

2. To cut off or cut out, as useless parts. Horace will our superfluous branches prune. Waller.

3. To preen; to prepare; to dress. Spenser. His royal bird Prunes the immortal wing and cloys his beak. Shak.

Prune, v. i.

Definition: To dress; to prink; -used humorously or in contempt. Dryden.

Prune, n. Etym: [F. prune, from L. prunum a plum. See Plum.]

Definition: A plum; esp., a dried plum, used in cookery; as, French or Turkish prunes; California prunes. German prune (Bot.), a large dark purple plum, of oval shape, often one-sided. It is much used for preserving, either dried or in sirup. Prune tree. (Bot.) (a) A tree of the genus Prunus (P. domestica), which produces prunes. (b) The West Indian tree, Prunus occidentalis.

– South African prune (Bot.), the edible fruit of a sapindaceous tree (Pappea Capensis).

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

3 July 2024


(noun) an excited state of agitation; “he was in a dither”; “there was a terrible flap about the theft”

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Coffee Trivia

Coffee dates back to the 9th century. Goat herders in Ethiopia noticed their goats seem to be “dancing” after eating berries from a particular shrub. They reported it to the local monastery, and a monk made a drink out of it. The monk found out he felt energized and kept him awake at night. That’s how the first coffee drink was born.

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