provision, proviso

(noun) a stipulated condition; “he accepted subject to one provision”

Source: WordNet® 3.1



proviso (plural provisos or provisoes)

A conditional provision to an agreement.

Source: Wiktionary

Pro*vi"so, n.; pl. Provisos. Etym: [L., (it) being provided, abl. of provisus, p. p. of providere. See Provide, and cf. Purview.]

Definition: An article or clause in any statute, agreement, contract, grant, or other writing, by which a condition is introduced, usually beginning with the word provided; a conditional stipulation that affects an agreement, contract, law, grant, or the like; as, the contract was impaired by its proviso. He doth deny his prisoners, But with proviso and exception. Shak.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

24 June 2024


(verb) interrupt a trip; “we stopped at Aunt Mary’s house”; “they stopped for three days in Florence”

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Coffee Trivia

The world’s most expensive coffee costs more than US$700 per kilogram. Asian palm civet – a cat-like creature in Indonesia, eats fruits, including select coffee cherries. It excretes partially digested seeds that produce a smooth, less acidic brew of coffee called kopi luwak.

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