

prolifically (comparative more prolifically, superlative most prolifically)

In a prolific manner, or to a prolific extent; abundantly

Source: Wiktionary


Pro*lif"ic, a. Etym: [F. prolifique, fr. L. proles offspring (from pro for, forward + the root of alere to nourish) + facere to make. See Adult, Old, and Fact.]

1. Having the quality of generating; producing young or fruit; generative; fruitful; productive; -- applied to plants producing fruit, animals producing young, etc.; -- usually with the implied idea of frequent or numerous production; as, a prolific tree, female, and the like.

2. Serving to produce; fruitful of results; active; as, a prolific brain; a controversy prolific of evil.

3. (Bot.)

Definition: Proliferous.


Pro*lif"ic*al, a.

Definition: Producing young or fruit abundantly; fruitful; prolific.

– Pro*lif"ic*al*ly, adv.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

25 October 2024


(noun) displaying a sense of being better than others; “he hated the white man’s superiority and condescension”

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