
(noun) the chief executive of a republic


(noun) an executive officer of a firm or corporation

president, prexy

(noun) the head administrative officer of a college or university

president, chairman, chairwoman, chair, chairperson

(noun) the officer who presides at the meetings of an organization; “address your remarks to the chairperson”

Source: WordNet® 3.1




The head of state of a republic.

In presidential republics, the head of government and head of state.

Primary leader of a corporation. Not to be confused with CEO, which is a related but separate position that is sometimes held by a different person.

A person presiding over a meeting, chair, presiding officer, presider.

Obsolete form of precedent.


• (American head of state): POTUS

• (head of a college or university): provost (UK)

• (head of various specific bodies): prepositus

• (informal, jocular): prexy, prez


president (not comparable)

(archaic) Occupying the first rank or chief place; having the highest authority; presiding.


President (plural Presidents)

An honorific for the head of state of a republic; see president (definition 1).

Usage notes

• Used for anyone who has had the office of head of state, even if not currently in office.

Source: Wiktionary

Pres"i*dent, n.

Definition: Precedent. [Obs.] Bacon.

Pres"i*dent, a.

Definition: Occupying the first rank or chief place; having the highest authority; presiding. [R.] His angels president In every province. Milton.

Pres"i*dent, n. Etym: [F. président, L. praesidens, -entis, p. pr. of praesidere. See Preside.]

1. One who is elected or appointed to preside; a presiding officer, as of a legislative body. Specifically: (a) The chief officer of a corporation, company, institution, society, or the like. (b) The chief executive officer of the government in certain republics; as, the president of the United States.

2. A protector; a guardian; a presiding genius. [Obs.] Just Apollo, president of verse. Waller.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

16 June 2024


(noun) a relation between things or events (as in the case of one causing the other or sharing features with it); “there was a connection between eating that pickle and having that nightmare”

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Coffee Trivia

Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, the seeds of berries from certain Coffea species. When coffee berries turn from green to bright red – indicating ripeness – they are picked, processed, and dried. Dried coffee seeds are roasted to varying degrees, depending on the desired flavor.

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