feasible, executable, practicable, viable, workable

(adjective) capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are

operable, practicable

(adjective) usable for a specific purpose; “an operable plan”; “a practicable solution”

Source: WordNet® 3.1



practicable (not comparable)

Capable of being accomplished; feasible.

Serving a useful function; useful, functional or handy.

Available for use; accessible or employable.

Usage notes

Example of use contrasted with practical

• "While others might agree that it really was practical to rewrite the entire section, it just was not truly practicable given other considerations."


• (capable of being accomplished): feasible, workable

• usable


• impracticable

Source: Wiktionary

Prac"ti*ca*ble, a. Etym: [LL. practicare to act, transact, fr. L. practicus active, Gr. practicable, pratiquer to practice. See Practical.]

1. That may be practiced or performed; capable of being done or accomplished with available means or resources; feasible; as, a practicable method; a practicable aim; a practicable good.

2. Capable of being used; passable; as, a practicable weapon; a practicable road. Practicable breach (Mil.), a breach which admits of approach and entrance by an assailing party.


– Possible; feasible.

– Practicable, Possible. A thing may be possible, i. e., not forbidden by any law of nature, and yet may not now be practicable for want of the means requisite to its performance.

– Prac"ti*ca*ble*ness, n.

– Prac"ti*ca*bly, adv.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

8 July 2024


(noun) a line or route along which something travels or moves; “the hurricane demolished houses in its path”; “the track of an animal”; “the course of the river”

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Coffee Trivia

The Boston Tea Party helped popularize coffee in America. The hefty tea tax imposed on the colonies in 1773 resulted in America switching from tea to coffee. In the lead up to the Revolutionary War, it became patriotic to sip java instead of tea. The Civil War made the drink more pervasive. Coffee helped energize tired troops, and drinking it became an expression of freedom.

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