plenty, plentifulness, plenteousness, plenitude, plentitude

(noun) a full supply; “there was plenty of food for everyone”

Source: WordNet® 3.1



plenitude (countable and uncountable, plural plenitudes)

Fullness; completeness. [from 15th c.]

An abundance; a full supply. [from 17th c.]

(heraldry) Fullness (of the moon). [from 19th c.]

Source: Wiktionary

Plen"i*tude, n. Etym: [L. plenitudo, fr. plenus full; cf. F. plenitude.]

1. The quality or state of being full or complete; fullness; completeness; abundance; as, the plenitude of space or power.

2. Animal fullness; repletion; plethora. [Obs.]

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

5 July 2024


(noun) surgical procedure that creates a new fenestra to the cochlea in order to restore hearing lost because of osteosclerosis

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Coffee Trivia

Decaffeinated coffee is not caffeine-free. Studies from the National Institute of Health (US) have shown that virtually all decaf coffee types contain caffeine. A 236-ml (8-oz) cup of decaf coffee contains up to 7 mg of caffeine, whereas a regular cup provided 70-140 mg.

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