

piroplasma (plural piroplasmas or piroplasmata)

(epidemiology, microbiology) Babesia, a genus of hematozoa that invades the red blood cells of humans and domesticated animals such as dogs and sheep

Any of many other parasitic protozoa related to Babesia in order Piroplasmida

Source: Wiktionary


Word of the Day

16 May 2024


(noun) a system of economic regulation: wages and interest are tied to the cost-of-living index in order to reduce the effects of inflation

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Coffee Trivia

The world’s most expensive coffee costs more than US$700 per kilogram. Asian palm civet – a cat-like creature in Indonesia, eats fruits, including select coffee cherries. It excretes partially digested seeds that produce a smooth, less acidic brew of coffee called kopi luwak.

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