
peeping (plural peepings)

The action of the verb to peep.



present participle of peep

Source: Wiktionary


Peep, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Peeped; p. pr. & vb. n. Peeping.] Etym: [Of imitative origin; cf. OE. pipen, F. piper, pépier, L. pipire, pipare, pipiare, D. & G. piepen. Senses 2 and 3 perhaps come from a transfer of sense from the sound which chickens make upon the first breaking of the shell to the act accompanying it; or perhaps from the influence of peek, or peak. Cf. Pipe.]

1. To cry, as a chicken hatching or newly hatched; to chirp; to cheep. There was none that moved the wing, or opened the mouth, or peeped. Is. x. 14.

2. To begin to appear; to look forth from concealment; to make the first appearance. When flowers first peeped, and trees did blossoms bear. Dryden.

3. To look cautiously or slyly; to peer, as through a crevice; to pry. eep through the blanket of the dark. Shak. From her cabined loophole peep. Milton. Peep sight, an adjustable piece, pierced with a small hole to peep through in aiming, attached to a rifle or other firearm near the breech.

Peep, n.

1. The cry of a young chicken; a chirp.

2. First outlook or appearance. Oft have we seen him at the peep of dawn. Gray.

3. A sly look; a look as through a crevice, or from a place of concealment. To take t' other peep at the stars. Swift.

4. (Zoöl.) (a) Any small sandpiper, as the least sandpiper (Trigna minutilla). (b) The European meadow pipit (Anthus pratensis). Peep show, a small show, or object exhibited, which is viewed through an orifice or a magnifying glass.

– Peep-o'-day boys, the Irish insurgents of 1784; -- so called from their visiting the house of the loyal Irish at day break in search of arms. [Cant]

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


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20 June 2024


(adverb) not to a significant degree or amount; “our budget will only be insignificantly affected by these new cuts”

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