

plural of nylghau

Source: Wiktionary


Nyl"ghau, Nyl"gau, n. Etym: [Hind. & Per. nilgaw, prop., a blue cow; Per. nil blue + gaw cow. See Lilac, and Cow the animal.] (Zoöl.)

Definition: A large Asiatic antelope (Boselaphus, or Portax, tragocamelus), found in Northern India. It has short horns, a black mane, and a bunch of long hair on the throat. The general color is grayish brown. [Written also neelghau, nilgau, and nylghaie.]

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

11 May 2024


(noun) (always used with a modifier) boredom resulting from overexposure to something; “he was suffering from museum fatigue”; “after watching TV with her husband she had a bad case of football fatigue”; “the American public is experiencing scandal fatigue”; “political fatigue”

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Coffee Trivia

Some 16th-century Italian clergymen tried to ban coffee because they believed it to be “satanic.” However, Pope Clement VII loved coffee so much that he lifted the ban and had coffee baptized in 1600.

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