

present participle of munition

Source: Wiktionary


Mu*ni"tion, n. Etym: [F., munition of war, L. munitio a fortifying, fortification, fr. munire to fortify, defend with a wall; cf. moenia walls, murus (for moirus) a wall, and Skr. mi to fix, make firm. Cf. Ammunition.]

1. Fortification; stronghold. [Obs.] His place of defense shall be the munitions of rocks. Is. xxxiii. 16.

2. Whatever materials are used in war for drfense or for annoying an enemy; ammunition; also, stores and provisions; military stores of all kinds. The bodies of men, munition, and money, may justly be called the sinews of war. Sir W. Raleigh.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

2 October 2024


(verb) allow to go out of sight or mind; “The detective lost the man he was shadowing after he had to stop at a red light”; “lose the crowds by climbing a mountain”; “the lost tribe”

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Coffee Trivia

Plain brewed coffee contains almost no calories, while coffee with dairy products, sugar, and other flavorings is much higher in calories. An espresso has 20 calories. A nonfat latte has 72, while a flavored one has 134.

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