fructose, fruit sugar, levulose, laevulose

(noun) a simple sugar found in honey and in many ripe fruits

Source: WordNet® 3.1



levulose (plural levuloses)

(carbohydrate) D-fructose, the left-rotating stereoisomer of fructose

Usage notes

This is not L-fructose, despite being named that way; it is D-fructose, due to the origins of stereochemistry and sugar research


• levoglucose

• D-fructose / D-Fructose


• L-fructose / L-Fructose


• fructose

• ketohexose

• hexose

• monosaccharide

Source: Wiktionary

Lev"u*lose`, n. Etym: [See Levo-.] (Chem.)

Definition: A sirupy variety of sugar, rarely obtained crystallized, occurring widely in honey, ripe fruits, etc., and hence called also fruit sugar. It is called levulose, because it rotates the plane of polarization to the left. [Written also lævulose.]C6H12O6.

Note: It is obtained, together with an equal quantity of dextrose, by the inversion of ordinary cane or beet sugar, and hence, as being an ingredient of invert sugar, is often so called. It is fermentable, nearly as sweet as cane sugar, and is metameric with dextrose. Cf. Dextrose.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

18 June 2024


(noun) an extended (often showy) succession of persons or things; “a parade of strollers on the mall”; “a parade of witnesses”

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Coffee Trivia

In the 16th century, Turkish women could divorce their husbands if the man failed to keep his family’s pot filled with coffee.

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