

isologous (comparative more isologous, superlative most isologous)

(chemistry) Having similar proportions, similar relations, or similar differences of composition; said specifically of groups or series which differ by a constant difference.

Source: Wiktionary

I*sol"o*gous, a. Etym: [Iso- + Gr. (Chem.)

Definition: Having similar proportions, similar relations, or similar differences of composition; -- said specifically of groups or series which differ by a constant difference; as, ethane, ethylene, an acetylene, or their analogous compounds, form an isologous series.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

17 May 2024


(noun) a ceremony at which a dead person is buried or cremated; “hundreds of people attended his funeral”

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Coffee Trivia

According to WorldAtlas, Canada is the only non-European country to make its top ten list of coffee consumers. The United States at a distant 25 on the list.

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