

simple past tense and past participle of instance

Source: Wiktionary


In"stance, n. Etym: [F. instance, L. instantia, fr. instans. See Instant.]

1. The act or quality of being instant or pressing; urgency; solicitation; application; suggestion; motion. Undertook at her instance to restore them. Sir W. Scott.

2. That which is instant or urgent; motive. [Obs.] The instances that second marriage move Are base respects of thrift, but none of love. Shak.

3. Occasion; order of occurrence. These seem as if, in the time of Edward I., they were drawn up into the form of a law, in the first instance. Sir M. Hale.

4. That which offers itself or is offered as an illustrative case; something cited in proof or exemplification; a case occurring; an example. Most remarkable instances of suffering. Atterbury.

5. A token; a sign; a symptom or indication. Shak. Causes of instance, those which proceed at the solicitation of some party. Hallifax.

– Court of first instance, the court by which a case is first tried.

– For instance, by way of example or illustration.

– Instance Court (Law), the Court of Admiralty acting within its ordinary jurisdiction, as distinguished from its action as a prize court.


– Example; case. See Example.

In"stance, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Instanced; p. pr. & vb. n. Instancing.]

Definition: To mention as a case or example; to refer to; to cite; as, to instance a fact. H. Spenser. I shall not instance an abstruse author. Milton.

In"stance, v. i.

Definition: To give an example. [Obs.] This story doth not only instance in kingdoms, but in families too. Jer. Taylor.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

7 July 2024


(adjective) free from danger or risk; “secure from harm”; “his fortune was secure”; “made a secure place for himself in his field”

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Coffee Trivia

Decaffeinated coffee is not caffeine-free. Studies from the National Institute of Health (US) have shown that virtually all decaf coffee types contain caffeine. A 236-ml (8-oz) cup of decaf coffee contains up to 7 mg of caffeine, whereas a regular cup provided 70-140 mg.

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