

plural of indolence


• declension, insolenced, second line

Source: Wiktionary


In"do*lence, n. Etym: [L. indolentia freedom from pain: cf. F. indolence.]

1. Freedom from that which pains, or harasses, as toil, care, grief, etc. [Obs.] I have ease, if it may not rather be called indolence. Bp. Hough.

2. The quality or condition of being indolent; inaction, or want of exertion of body or mind, proceeding from love of ease or aversion to toil; habitual idleness; indisposition to labor; laziness; sloth; inactivity. Life spent in indolence, and therefore sad. Cowper. As there is a great truth wrapped up in "diligence," what a lie, on the other hand, lurks at the root of our present use of the word "indolence"! This is from "in" and "doleo," not to grieve; and indolence is thus a state in which we have no grief or pain; so that the word, as we now employ it, seems to affirm that indulgence in sloth and ease is that which would constitute for us the absence of all pain. Trench.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

7 July 2024


(adjective) free from danger or risk; “secure from harm”; “his fortune was secure”; “made a secure place for himself in his field”

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