

plural of indecency

Source: Wiktionary


In*de"cen*cy, n.; pl. Indecencies. Etym: [L. indecentia unseemliness: cf. F. indécence.]

1. The quality or state of being indecent; want of decency, modesty, or good manners; obscenity.

2. That which is indecent; an indecent word or act; an offense against delicacy. They who, by speech or writing, present to the ear or the eye of modesty any of the indecencies I allude to, are pests of society. Beattie.


– Indelicacy; indecorum; immodesty; impurity; obscenity. See Indecorum.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

3 July 2024


(noun) an excited state of agitation; “he was in a dither”; “there was a terrible flap about the theft”

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Coffee Trivia

According to WorldAtlas, Finland is the biggest coffee consumer in the entire world. The average Finn will consume 12 kg of coffee each year.

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