bygone, bypast, departed, foregone, gone

(adjective) well in the past; former; “bygone days”; “dreams of foregone times”; “sweet memories of gone summers”; “relics of a departed era”


forfeit, give up, throw overboard, waive, forgo, forego

(verb) lose ( or lose the right to ( by some error, offense, or crime; “you’ve forfeited your right to name your successor”; “forfeited property”

waive, relinquish, forgo, forego, foreswear, dispense with

(verb) do without or cease to hold or adhere to; “We are dispensing with formalities”; “relinquish the old ideas”

predate, precede, forego, forgo, antecede, antedate

(verb) be earlier in time; go back further; “Stone tools precede bronze tools”

Source: WordNet® 3.1



past participle of forego


foregone (comparative more foregone, superlative most foregone)

previous, former


(informal) inevitable, predictable


• (previous): preceding, used-to-be; see also former

• (bygone): forepassed, historical; see also past

• (inevitable): avoidless, unescapable; see also inevitable

Source: Wiktionary


Fore*go", v. t. [imp. Forewent 2; p. p. Foregone; p. pr. & vb. n. Foregoing.] Etym: [See Forgo.]

1. To quit; to relinquish; to leave. Stay at the third cup, or forego the place. Herbert.

2. To relinquish the enjoyment or advantage of; to give up; to resign; to renounce; -- said of a thing already enjoyed, or of one within reach, or anticipated. All my patrimony,, If need be, I am ready to forego. Milton. Thy lovers must their promised heaven forego. Keble. [He] never forewent an opportunity of honest profit. R. L. Stevenson.

Note: Forgo is the better spelling etymologically, but the word has been confused with Forego, to go before.

Fore*go", v. t. Etym: [AS. foregan; fore + gan to go; akin to G. vorgehen to go before, precede. See GO, v. i.]

Definition: To go before; to precede; -- used especially in the present and past participles. Pleasing remembrance of a thought foregone. Wordsworth. For which the very mother's face forewent The mother's special patience. Mrs. Browning. Foregone conclusion, one which has preceded argument or examination; one predetermined.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

27 September 2024


(verb) recognize as being; establish the identity of someone or something; “She identified the man on the ‘wanted’ poster”

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Coffee Trivia

The Boston Tea Party helped popularize coffee in America. The hefty tea tax imposed on the colonies in 1773 resulted in America switching from tea to coffee. In the lead up to the Revolutionary War, it became patriotic to sip java instead of tea. The Civil War made the drink more pervasive. Coffee helped energize tired troops, and drinking it became an expression of freedom.

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