

femininely (comparative more femininely, superlative most femininely)

In a feminine manner.

Source: Wiktionary

Fem"i*nine*ly, adv.

Definition: In a feminine manner. Byron.


Fem"i*nine, a. Etym: [L. femininus, fr. femina woman; prob. akin to L. fetus, or to Gr. fæmme woman, maid: cf. F. féminin. See Fetus.]

1. Of or pertaining to a woman, or to women; characteristic of a woman; womanish; womanly. Her letters are remarkably deficient in feminine ease and grace. Macaulay.

2. Having the qualities of a woman; becoming or appropriate to the female sex; as, in a good sense, modest, graceful, affectionate, confiding; or, in a bad sense, weak, nerveless, timid, pleasure- loving, effeminate. Her heavenly form Angelic, but more soft and feminine. Milton. Ninus being esteemed no man of war at all, but altogether feminine, and subject to ease and delicacy. Sir W. Raleigh.

Fem"i*nine, n.

1. A woman. [Obs. or Colloq.] They guide the feminines toward the palace. Hakluyt.

2. (Gram.)

Definition: Any one of those words which are the appellations of females, or which have the terminations usually found in such words; as, actress, songstress, abbess, executrix. There are but few true feminines in English. Latham.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

6 October 2024


(adjective) of such great duration as to preclude the possibility of being assigned a date; “dateless customs”

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Coffee Trivia

Hawaii and California are the only two U.S. states that grow coffee plants commercially.

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