

plural of extravagance

Source: Wiktionary


Ex*trav"a*gance, n. Etym: [Cf. F. extravagance. See Extravagant, and cf. Extravaganza.]

1. A wandering beyond proper limits; an excursion or sally from the usual way, course, or limit.

2. The state of being extravagant, wild, or prodigal beyond bounds of propriety or duty; want of moderation; excess; especially, undue expenditure of money; vaid and superfluous expense; prodigality; as, extravagance of anger, love, expression, imagination, demands. Some verses of my own, Maximin and Almanzor, cry vengeance on me for their extravagance. Dryden. The income of three dukes was enough to supply her extravagance. Arbuthnot.


– Wildness; irregularity; excess; prodigality; profusion; waste; lavishness; unreasonableness; recklessness.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

1 October 2024


(noun) a high-crowned black cap (usually made of felt or sheepskin) worn by men in Turkey and Iran and the Caucasus

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Coffee Trivia

You can overdose on coffee if you drink about 30 cups in a brief period to get close to a lethal dosage of caffeine.

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