

plural of exponent

Source: Wiktionary


Ex*po"nent, n. Etym: [L. exponens, -entis, p. pr. of exponere to put out, set forth, expose. See Expound.]

1. (Alg.)

Definition: A number, letter, or any quantity written on the right hand of and above another quantity, and denoting how many times the latter is repeated as a factor to produce the power indicated;

Note: thus a2 denotes the second power, and an the xth power, of a (2 and x being the exponents). A fractional exponent, or index, is used to denote the root of a quantity. Thus, a denotes the third or cube root of a.

2. One who, or that which, stands as an index or representative; as, the leader of a party is the exponent of its principles. Exponent of a ratio, the quotient arising when the antecedent is divided by the consequent; thus, 6 is the exponent of the ratio of 30 to 5. [R.]

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

23 May 2024


(noun) valuable flesh of fatty fish from shallow waters of northern Atlantic or Pacific; usually salted or pickled

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Coffee Trivia

There are more than 50 countries that export coffee. They are near the equator, where the climate is conducive to producing coffee beans.

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