

plural of disgrace

Source: Wiktionary


Dis*grace", n. Etym: [F. disgrâce; pref. dis- (L. dis-) + grâce. See Grace.]

1. The condition of being out of favor; loss of favor, regard, or respect. Macduff lives in disgrace. Shak.

2. The state of being dishonored, or covered with shame; dishonor; shame; ignominy. To tumble down thy husband and thyself From top of honor to disgrace's feet Shak.

3. That which brings dishonor; cause of shame or reproach; great discredit; as, vice is a disgrace to a rational being.

4. An act of unkindness; a disfavor. [Obs.] The interchange continually of favors and disgraces. Bacon.


– Disfavor; disesteem; opprobrium; reproach; discredit; disparagement; dishonor; shame; infamy; ignominy; humiliation.

Dis*grace", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Disgraced; p. pr. & vb. n. Disgracing.] Etym: [Cf. F. disgracier. See Disgrace, n.]

1. To put out favor; to dismiss with dishonor. Flatterers of the disgraced minister. Macaulay. Pitt had been disgraced and the old Duke of Newcastle dismissed. J. Morley.

2. To do disfavor to; to bring reproach or shame upon; to dishonor; to treat or cover with ignominy; to lower in estimation. Shall heap with honors him they now disgrace. Pope. His ignorance disgraced him. Johnson.

3. To treat discourteously; to upbraid; to revile. The goddess wroth gan foully her disgrace. Spenser.


– To degrade; humble; humiliate; abase; disparage; defame; dishonor; debase.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

24 June 2024


(verb) interrupt a trip; “we stopped at Aunt Mary’s house”; “they stopped for three days in Florence”

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Coffee Trivia

Plain brewed coffee contains almost no calories, while coffee with dairy products, sugar, and other flavorings is much higher in calories. An espresso has 20 calories. A nonfat latte has 72, while a flavored one has 134.

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