cyclic, cyclical

(adjective) recurring in cycles

Source: WordNet® 3.1



cyclical (comparative more cyclical, superlative most cyclical)

recurring at regular intervals

Synonyms: cyclic, periodic, Thesaurus:periodic

Source: Wiktionary

Cyc"lic (sk"lk or s"klk), Cyc"lic*al (sk"l-kal), a. Etym: [Cf. F. cycluque, Gr.Cycle.]

Definition: Of or pertaining to a cycle or circle; moving in cycles; as, cyclical time. Coleridge. Cyclic chorus, the chorus which performed the songs and dances of the dithyrambic odes at Athens, dancing round the altar of Bacchus in a circle.

– Cyclic poets, certain epic poets who followed Homer, and wrote merely on the Trojan war and its heroes; -- so called because keeping within the circle of a singe subject. Also, any series or coterie of poets writing on one subject. Milman.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

7 May 2024


(noun) bellflower of Europe and Asia and North Africa having bluish flowers and an edible tuberous root used with the leaves in salad

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Coffee Trivia

According to Statista, the global coffee industry is worth US$363 billion in 2020. The market grows annually by 10.6%, and 78% of revenue came from out-of-home establishments like cafes and coffee beverage retailers.

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