

plural of convener

Source: Wiktionary


Con*ven"er, n.

1. One who convenes or meets with others. [Obs.]

2. One who calls an assembly together or convenes a meeting; hence, the chairman of a committee or other organized body. [Scot.]

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

23 May 2024


(noun) valuable flesh of fatty fish from shallow waters of northern Atlantic or Pacific; usually salted or pickled

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Coffee Trivia

According to Guinness World Records, the largest coffee press is 230 cm (7 ft 6 in) in height and 72 cm (2 ft 4 in) in diameter and was created by Salzillo Tea and Coffee (Spain) in Murcia, Spain, in February 2007. The cafetière consists of a stainless steel container, a filtering piston, and a superior lid.

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