consideration, thoughtfulness

(noun) a considerate and thoughtful act

consideration, considerateness, thoughtfulness

(noun) kind and considerate regard for others; “he showed no consideration for her feelings”


(noun) the process of giving careful thought to something

circumstance, condition, consideration

(noun) information that should be kept in mind when making a decision; “another consideration is the time it would take”


(noun) a discussion of a topic (as in a meeting); “consideration of the traffic problem took more than an hour”

retainer, consideration

(noun) a fee charged in advance to retain the services of someone

Source: WordNet® 3.1



consideration (countable and uncountable, plural considerations)

The thought process of considering, of taking multiple or specified factors into account (with of being the main corresponding adposition).

Synonyms: deliberation, thought

Something considered as a reason or ground for a (possible) decision.

Synonyms: factor, motive, reason

The tendency to consider others.

A payment or other recompense for something done.

(law) A matter of inducement for something promised; something valuable given as recompense for a promise, which causes the promise to become binding as a contract.

Importance, claim to notice, regard.

Source: Wiktionary

Con*sid`er*a"tion, n. Etym: [L. consideratio: cf. F. consid.]

1. The act or process of considering; continuous careful thought; examination; contemplation; deliberation; attention. Let us think with consideration. Sir P. Sidney. Consideration, like an angel, came. Shak.

2. Attentive respect; appreciative regard; -- used especially in diplomatic or stately correspondence. The undersigned has the honor to repeat to Mr. Hulseman the assurance of his high consideration. D. Webster. The consideration with which he was treated. Whewell.

3. Thoughtful or sympathetic regard or notice. Consideration for the poor is a doctrine of the church. Newman.

4. Claim to notice or regard; some degree of importance or consequence. Lucan is the only author of consideration among the Latin poets who was not explained for . . . the Dauphin. Addison.

5. The result of delibration, or of attention and examonation; matured opinion; a reflection; as, considerations on the choice of a profession.

6. That which is, or should be, taken into account as a ground of opinion or action; motive; reason. He was obliged, antecedent to all other considerations, to search an asylum. Dryden. Some considerations which are necessary to the forming of a correct judgment. Macaulay.

7. (Law)

Definition: The cause which moves a contracting party to enter into an agreement; the material cause of a contract; the price of a stripulation; compensation; equivalent. Bouvier.

Note: Consideration is what is done, or promised to be done, in exchange for a promise, and "as a mere advantage to the promisor without detriment to the promisee would not avail, the proper test is detriment to the promisee." Wharton.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

23 October 2024


(adjective) subject to accident or chance or change; “a chancy appeal at best”; “getting that job was definitely fluky”; “a fluky wind”; “an iffy proposition”

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