collection, collecting, assembling, aggregation

(noun) the act of gathering something together

Source: WordNet® 3.1



collecting (countable and uncountable, plural collectings)

A hobby including seeking, locating, acquiring, organizing, cataloging, displaying, storing, and maintaining whatever items are of interest to the individual collector.



present participle of collect

Source: Wiktionary


Col*lect", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Collected; p. pr. & vb. n. Collecting.] Etym: [L. collecrus, p. p. of collerige to bind together; col- + legere to gather: cf. OF. collecter. See Legend, and cf. Coil, v. t., Cull, v. t.]

1. To gather into one body or place; to assemble or bring together; to obtain by gathering. A band of men Collected choicely from each country. Shak. 'Tis memory alone that enriches the mind, by preserving what our labor and industry daily collect. Watts.

2. To demand and obtain payment of, as an account, or other indebtedness; as, to collect taxes.

3. To infer from observed facts; to conclude from premises. [Archaic.] Shak. Which sequence, I conceive, is very ill collected. Locke. To collect one's self, to recover from surprise, embarrassment, or fear; to regain self-control.


– To gather; assemble; congregate; muster; accumulate; garner; aggregate; amass; infer; deduce.

Col*lect", v. i.

1. To assemble together; as, the people collected in a crowd; to accumulate; as, snow collects in banks.

2. To infer; to conclude. [Archaic] Whence some collect that the former word imports a plurality of persons. South.

Col"lect, n. Etym: [LL. collecta, fr. L. collecta a collection in money; an assemblage, fr. collerige: cf. F. collecte. See Collect, v. t.]

Definition: A short, comprehensive prayer, adapted to a particular day, occasion, or condition, and forming part of a liturgy. The noble poem on the massacres of Piedmont is strictly a collect in verse. Macaulay.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

5 October 2024


(noun) mattress consisting of a pad of cotton batting that is used for sleeping on the floor or on a raised frame

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Coffee Trivia

Coffee is the second largest traded commodity in the world, next to crude oil. It’s also one of the oldest commodities, with over 2.25 billion cups of coffee consumed worldwide daily.

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