

plural of china


• Cashin, Chains, Chians, Cishan, cash in, cash-in, chains, chasin'

Source: Wiktionary


Chi"na, n.

1. A country in Eastern Asia.

2. China ware, which is the modern popular term for porcelain. See Porcelain. China aster (Bot.), a well-known garden flower and plant. See Aster.

– China bean. See under Bean, 1.

– China clay See Kaolin.

– China grass, Same as Ramie.

– China ink. See India ink.

– China pink (Bot.), an anual or biennial species of Dianthus (D. Chiensis) having variously colored single or double flowers; Indian pink.

– China root (Med.), the rootstock of a species of Smilax (S. China, from the East Indies; -- formerly much esteemed for the purposes that sarsaparilla is now used for. Also the galanga root (from Alpinia Gallanga and Alpinia officinarum).

– China rose. (Bot.) (a) A popular name for several free-blooming varieties of rose derived from the Rosa Indica, and perhaps other species. (b) A flowering hothouse plant (Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis) of the Mallow family, common in the gardens of China and the east Indies.

– China shop, a shop or store for the sale of China ware or of crockery.

– China ware, porcelain; -- so called in the 17th century because brought from the far East, and differing from the pottery made in Europa at that time; also, loosely, crockery in general.

– Pride of China, China tree. (Bot.) See Azedarach.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

20 June 2024


(adverb) not to a significant degree or amount; “our budget will only be insignificantly affected by these new cuts”

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Coffee Trivia

An article published in Harvard Men’s Health Watch in 2012 shows heavy coffee drinkers live longer. The researchers examined data from 400,000 people and found out that men who drank six or more coffee cups per day had a 10% lower death rate.

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