

plural of campaign



Third-person singular simple present indicative form of campaign

Source: Wiktionary


Cam*paign", n. Etym: [F. campagne, It. campagna, fr. L. Campania the level country about Naples, fr. campus field. See Camp, and cf. Champaign, Champagne.]

1. An open field; a large, open plain without considerable hills. SeeChampaign. Grath.

2. (Mil.)

Definition: A connected series of military operations forming a distinct stage in a war; the time during which an army keeps the field. Wilhelm.

3. Political operations preceding an election; a canvass. [Cant, U. S.]

4. (Metal.)

Definition: The period during which a blast furnace is continuously in operation.

Cam*paign", v. i.

Definition: To serve in a campaign.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

5 July 2024


(noun) surgical procedure that creates a new fenestra to the cochlea in order to restore hearing lost because of osteosclerosis

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Coffee Trivia

In the 18th century, the Swedish government made coffee and its paraphernalia (including cups and dishes) illegal for its supposed ties to rebellious sentiment.

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