Bedlam, booby hatch, crazy house, cuckoo's nest, funny farm, funny house, loony bin, madhouse, nut house, nuthouse, sanatorium, snake pit

(noun) pejorative terms for an insane asylum

chaos, pandemonium, bedlam, topsy-turvydom, topsy-turvyness

(noun) a state of extreme confusion and disorder

Source: WordNet® 3.1



bedlam (plural bedlams)

A place or situation of chaotic uproar, and where confusion prevails.

(obsolete) An insane person; a lunatic; a madman.

(obsolete) A lunatic asylum; a madhouse.


• ambled, balmed, beldam, blamed, lambed

Source: Wiktionary

Bed"lam, n. Etym: [See Bethlehem.]

1. A place appropriated to the confinement and care of the insane; a madhouse. Abp. Tillotson.

2. An insane person; a lunatic; a madman. [Obs.] Let's get the bedlam to lead him. Shak.

3. Any place where uproar and confusion prevail.

Bed"lam, a.

Definition: Belonging to, or fit for, a madhouse. "The bedlam, brainsick duchess." Shak.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

18 June 2024


(noun) an extended (often showy) succession of persons or things; “a parade of strollers on the mall”; “a parade of witnesses”

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Coffee Trivia

The expression “coffee break” was first attested in 1952 in glossy magazine advertisements by the Pan-American Coffee Bureau.

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