At`ra*bil"ia*ry, a.

1. Of or pertaining to atra bilis or black bile, a fluid formerly supposed to be produced by the kidneys.

2. Melancholic or hypohondriac; atrabilious; -- from the supposed predominance of black bile, to the influence of which the ancients attributed hypochondria, melancholy, and mania. Atrabiliary arteries, capsules, and veins (Anat.), those pertaining to the kidney; -- called also renal arteries, capsules, and veins.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

29 May 2024


(noun) an economic policy adopted in the former Soviet Union; intended to increase automation and labor efficiency but it led eventually to the end of central planning in the Russian economy

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Coffee Trivia

Coffee starts as a yellow berry, changes into a red berry, and then is picked by hand to harvest. The red berry is de-shelled through a water soaking process and what’s left inside is the green coffee bean. This bean then dries in the sun for 3-5 days, where it is then packed and ready for sale.

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