argent, silver, silvery, silverish

(adjective) of lustrous grey; covered with or tinged with the color of silver; “silvery hair”


(noun) a metal tincture used in heraldry to give a silvery appearance

Source: WordNet® 3.1



argent (countable and uncountable, plural argents)

(archaic) The metal silver.

(tincture) The white or silver tincture on a coat of arms.

(obsolete, poetic) Whiteness; anything that is white.


argent (not comparable)

Of silver or silver-coloured.

(tincture): of white or silver tincture on a coat of arms.


• blanc, silver


• Gretna, Tanger, garnet, gerant

Source: Wiktionary

Ar"gent, n. Etym: [F. argent, fr. L. argentum, silver; akin to Gr. rajata white, silver, raj to shine, Ir. arg white, milk, airgiod silver, money, and L. arguere to make clear. See Argue.]

1. Silver, or money. [Archaic]

2. (Fig. & Poet.)

Definition: Whiteness; anything that is white. The polished argent of her breast. Tennyson.

3. (Her.)

Definition: The white color in coats of arms, intended to represent silver, or, figuratively, purity, innocence, beauty, or gentleness; -- represented in engraving by a plain white surface. Weale.

Ar"gent, a.

Definition: Made of silver; of a silvery color; white; shining. Yonder argent fields above. Pope.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

22 June 2024


(adjective) characterized by or indicating poverty; “the country had a poor economy”; “they lived in the poor section of town”

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Coffee Trivia

Hawaii and California are the only two U.S. states that grow coffee plants commercially.

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