

plural of appoggiatura

Source: Wiktionary


Ap*pog`gia*tu"ra, n. Etym: [It., fr. appogiarre to lean, to rest; ap- (L. ad) + poggiare to mount, ascend, poggio hill, fr. L. podium an elevated place.] (Mus.)

Definition: A passing tone preceding an essential tone, and borrowing the time it occupies from that; a short auxiliary or grace note one degree above or below the principal note unless it be of the same harmony; -- generally indicated by a note of smaller size, as in the illustration above. It forms no essential part of the harmony.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

8 October 2024


(noun) poisonous drug derived from an Eurasian plant of the genus Conium; “Socrates refused to flee and died by drinking hemlock”

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Coffee Trivia

In the 18th century, the Swedish government made coffee and its paraphernalia (including cups and dishes) illegal for its supposed ties to rebellious sentiment.

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