

plural of adjacent

Source: Wiktionary


Ad*ja"cent, a. Etym: [L. adjacens, -centis, p. pr. of adjacere to lie near; ad + jac to lie: cf. F. adjacent.]

Definition: Lying near, close, or contiguous; neighboring; bordering on; as, a field adjacent to the highway. "The adjacent forest." B. Jonson. Adjacent or contiguous angle. (Geom.) See Angle.


– Adjoining; contiguous; near.

– Adjacent, Adjoining, Contiguous. Things are adjacent when they lie close each other, not necessary in actual contact; as, adjacent fields, adjacent villages, etc. I find that all Europe with her adjacent isles is peopled with Christians. Howell. Things are adjoining when they meet at some line or point of junction; as, adjoining farms, an adjoining highway. What is spoken of as contiguous should touch with some extent of one side or the whole of it; as, a row of contiguous buildings; a wood contiguous to a plain.

Ad*ja"cent, n.

Definition: That which is adjacent. [R.] Locke.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

2 July 2024


(verb) move through a space, circuit or system, returning to the starting point; “Blood circulates in my veins”; “The air here does not circulate”

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