woodlouse, wood louse, slater

(noun) any of various small terrestrial isopods having a flat elliptical segmented body; found in damp habitats

Source: WordNet® 3.1



woodlouse (plural woodlice)

Any of the terrestrial isopod crustaceans of suborder Oniscidea, which have a rigid, segmented exoskeleton, often being capable of rolling into a ball, and feed only on dead plant matter, usually living in damp, dark places, such as under stones or bark.


• (any species of suborder Oniscidea): oniscidean

(local terms): slater, armadillo bug, butcher boy, cheese-bug, cheesybug, pill bug, rolly polly, sowbug, sai bug, saisai gnat, saikor bug, sairynkor bug, cham chamruam bug;

Source: Wiktionary


Word of the Day

7 July 2024


(adjective) free from danger or risk; “secure from harm”; “his fortune was secure”; “made a secure place for himself in his field”

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