

present participle of whist


• Whitings, whitings

Source: Wiktionary


Whist, interj. Etym: [Cf. G. st! pst! bst! Hist.]

Definition: Be silent; be still; hush; silence.

Whist, n. Etym: [From Whist, interj.]

Definition: A certain game at cards; -- so called because it requires silence and close attention. It is played by four persons (those who sit opposite each other being partners) with a complete pack of fifty-two cards. Each player has thirteen cards, and when these are played out, he hand is finished, and the cards are again shuffled and distributed.

Note: Points are scored for the tricks taken in excess of six, and for the honors held. In long whist, now seldom played, ten points make the game; in short whist, now usually played in England, five points make the game. In American whist, so-called, honors are not counted, and seven points by tricks make the game.

Whist, v. t. Etym: [From Whist, interj.]

Definition: To hush or silence. [Obs.] Spenser.

Whist, v. i.

Definition: To be or become silent or still; to be hushed or mute. [R.] Surrey.

Whist, a. Etym: [Properly p. p. of whist, v.]

Definition: Not speaking; not making a noise; silent; mute; still; quiet. "So whist and dead a silence." Sir J. Harrington. The winds, with wonder whist, Smoothly the waters kissed. Milton.

Note: This adjective generally follows its noun, or is used predicatively.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

1 July 2024


(verb) cause someone or something to move by driving; “She drove me to school every day”; “We drove the car to the garage”

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Coffee Trivia

Coffee has initially been a food – chewed, not sipped. Early African tribes consume coffee by grinding the berries together, adding some animal fat, and rolling the treats into tiny edible energy balls.

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