

plural of vomiting


• misvoting

Source: Wiktionary


Vom"it*ing, n.

Definition: The spasmodic ejection of matter from the stomach through the mouth.


Vom"it, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Vomited; p. pr. & vb. n. Vomiting.] Etym: [Cf. L. vomere, vomitum, and v. freq. vomitare. See Vomit, n.]

Definition: To eject the contents of the stomach by the mouth; to puke; to spew.

Vom"it, v. t.

1. To throw up; to eject from the stomach through the mouth; to disgorge; to puke; to spew out; -- often followed by up or out. The fish . . . vomited out Jonah upon the dry land. Jonah ii. 10.

2. Hence, to eject from any hollow place; to belch forth; to emit; to throw forth; as, volcanoes vomit flame, stones, etc. Like the sons of Vulcan, vomit smoke. Milton.

Vom"it, n. Etym: [L. vomitus, from vomere, vomitum, to vomit; akin to Gr. vam, Lith. vemiti. Cf. Emetic, Vomito.]

1. Matter that is vomited; esp., matter ejected from the stomach through the mouth. Like vomit from his yawning entrails poured. Sandys.

2. (Med.)

Definition: That which excites vomiting; an emetic. He gives your Hollander a vomit. Shak. Black vomit. (Med.) See in the Vocabulary.

– Vomit nut, nux vomica.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

5 October 2024


(noun) mattress consisting of a pad of cotton batting that is used for sleeping on the floor or on a raised frame

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Coffee Trivia

Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, the seeds of berries from certain Coffea species. When coffee berries turn from green to bright red – indicating ripeness – they are picked, processed, and dried. Dried coffee seeds are roasted to varying degrees, depending on the desired flavor.

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