

simple past tense and past participle of vivisect

Source: Wiktionary


Viv"i*sect`, v. t.

Definition: To perform vivisection upon; to dissect alive. [Colloq.] Pop. Sci. Monthly.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

15 July 2024


(adjective) of or relating to a defect in the eye or in a lens caused by a deviation from spherical curvature which prevents light rays from meeting at a common focus and so results in distorted images

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Coffee Trivia

The earliest credible evidence of coffee-drinking as the modern beverage appeared in modern-day Yemen. In the middle of the 15th century in Sufi shrines where coffee seeds were first roasted and brewed for drinking. The Yemenis procured the coffee beans from the Ethiopian Highlands.

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