gulping, swilling, guzzling

(noun) the drinking of large mouthfuls rapidly

Source: WordNet® 3.1



present participle of swill


swilling (plural swillings)

Greedy drinking.


• Willings, willings

Source: Wiktionary


Swill, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Swilled; p. pr. & vb. n. Swilling.] Etym: [OE. swilen to wash, AS. swilian.]

1. To wash; to drench. [Obs.] As fearfully as doth a galled rock O'erhang and jutty his confounded base, Swilled with the wild and wasteful ocean. Shak.

2. Etym: [Properly, to drink like a pig. See Swill, n.]

Definition: To drink in great draughts; to swallow greedily. Well-dressed people, of both sexes, . . . devouring sliced beef, and swilling pork, and punch, and cider. Smollett.

3. To inebriate; to fill with drink. I should be loth To meet the rudeness and swilled insolence Of such late wassailers. Milton.

Swill, v. i.

Definition: To drink greedily or swinishly; to drink to excess. South.

Swill, n.

1. The wash, or mixture of liquid substances, given to swine; hogwash; -- called also swillings.

2. Large draughts of liquor; drink taken in excessive quantities.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

4 July 2024


(noun) a diuretic (trade names Hygroton and Thalidone) used to control hypertension and conditions that cause edema; effective in lowering blood pressure to prevent heart attacks

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