
(noun) an uncertain cognitive state; “the matter remained in suspense for several years”


(noun) excited anticipation of an approaching climax; “the play kept the audience in suspense”


(noun) apprehension about what is going to happen

Source: WordNet® 3.1



suspense (usually uncountable, plural suspenses)

The condition of being suspended; cessation for a time.

the pleasurable emotion of anticipation and excitement regarding the outcome or climax of a book, film etc.

The unpleasant emotion of anxiety or apprehension in an uncertain situation.

(legal) A temporary cessation of one's right; suspension, as when the rent or other profits of land cease by unity of possession of land and rent.


suspense (not comparable)

(obsolete) Held or lifted up; held or prevented from proceeding.

(obsolete) Expressing, or proceeding from, suspense or doubt.

Source: Wiktionary

Sus*pense", a. Etym: [F. suspens, L. suspensus, p.p. of suspendere. See Suspend.]

1. Held or lifted up; held or prevented from proceeding. [Obs.] [The great light of day] suspense in heaven. Milton.

2. Expressing, or proceeding from, suspense or doubt. [Obs.] "Expectation held his look suspense." Milton.

Sus*pense", n. Etym: [From F. suspens, a. See Suspense, a.]

1. The state of being suspended; specifically, a state of uncertainty and expectation, with anxiety or apprehension; indetermination; indecision; as, the suspense of a person waiting for the verdict of a jury. Ten days the prophet in suspense remained. Denham. Upon the ticklish balance of suspense. Cowper.

2. Cessation for a time; stop; pause. A cool suspense from pleasure and from pain. Pope.

3. Etym: [Cf. F. suspense.] (Law)

Definition: A temporary cessation of one's right; suspension, as when the rent or other profits of land cease by unity of possession of land and rent. Suspense account (Bookkeeping), an account in which receipts or disbursements are temporarily entered until their proper position in the books is determined.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

2 July 2024


(verb) move through a space, circuit or system, returning to the starting point; “Blood circulates in my veins”; “The air here does not circulate”

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