idle, laze, slug, stagnate

(verb) be idle; exist in a changeless situation; “The old man sat and stagnated on his porch”; “He slugged in bed all morning”


(verb) cease to flow; stand without moving; “Stagnating waters”; “blood stagnates in the capillaries”


(verb) cause to stagnate; “There are marshes that stagnate the waters”


(verb) stand still; “Industry will stagnate if we do not stimulate our economy”

Source: WordNet® 3.1


stagnate (third-person singular simple present stagnates, present participle stagnating, simple past and past participle stagnated)

To cease motion, activity, or progress

(of water, air, etc) To cease to flow or run.

(of water, air, etc) To be or become foul from standing.

To cease to develop, advance, or change; to become idle.


• attagens

Source: Wiktionary

Stag"nate, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Stagnated; p. pr. & vb. n. Stagnating.] Etym: [L. stagnatus, p.p. of stagnare to stagnate, make stagnant, from stagnum a piece of standing water. See Stank a pool, and cf. Stanch, v. t.]

1. To cease to flow; to be motionless; as, blood stagnates in the veins of an animal; hence, to become impure or foul by want of motion; as, air stagnates in a close room.

2. To cease to be brisk or active; to become dull or inactive; as, commerce stagnates; business stagnates. Ready-witted tenderness . . . never stagnates in vain lamentations while there is any room for hope. Sir W. Scott.

Stag"nate, a.

Definition: Stagnant. [Obs.] "A stagnate mass of vapors." Young.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

2 July 2024


(verb) move through a space, circuit or system, returning to the starting point; “Blood circulates in my veins”; “The air here does not circulate”

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