blue, dark, dingy, disconsolate, dismal, gloomy, grim, sorry, drab, drear, dreary

(adjective) causing dejection; “a blue day”; “the dark days of the war”; “a week of rainy depressing weather”; “a disconsolate winter landscape”; “the first dismal dispiriting days of November”; “a dark gloomy day”; “grim rainy weather”

deplorable, distressing, lamentable, pitiful, sad, sorry

(adjective) bad; unfortunate; “my finances were in a deplorable state”; “a lamentable decision”; “her clothes were in sad shape”; “a sorry state of affairs”

regretful, sorry, bad

(adjective) feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone; “felt regretful over his vanished youth”; “regretful over mistakes she had made”; “he felt bad about breaking the vase”

meritless, good-for-naught, good-for-nothing, no-account, no-count, no-good, sorry

(adjective) without merit; of little or no value or use; “a sorry horse”; “a sorry excuse”; “a lazy no-count, good-for-nothing goldbrick”; “the car was a no-good piece of junk”

Source: WordNet® 3.1



comparative form of sorry

Source: Wiktionary


Sor"ry, a. [Compar. Sorrier; superl. Sorriest.] Etym: [OE. sory, sary, AS. sarig, fr. sar, n., sore. See Sore, n. & a. The original sense was, painful; hence. miserable, sad.]

1. Grieved for the loss of some good; pained for some evil; feeling regret; -- now generally used to express light grief or affliction, but formerly often used to express deeper feeling. "I am sorry for my sins." Piers Plowman. Ye were made sorry after a godly manner. 2 Cor. vii. 9. I am sorry for thee, friend; 't is the duke's pleasure. Shak. She entered, were he lief or sorry. Spenser.

2. Melancholy; dismal; gloomy; mournful. Spenser. All full of chirking was this sorry place. Chaucer.

3. Poor; mean; worthless; as, a sorry excuse. "With sorry grace." Chaucer. Cheeks of sorry grain will serve. Milton. Good fruit will sometimes grow on a sorry tree. Sir W. Scott.


– Hurt; afflicted; mortified; vexed; chagrined; melancholy; dismal; poor; mean; pitiful.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

26 June 2024


(verb) include or contain; have as a component; “A totally new idea is comprised in this paper”; “The record contains many old songs from the 1930’s”

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Coffee Trivia

According to Guinness World Records, the largest collection of coffee pots belongs to Robert Dahl (Germany) and consists of 27,390 coffee pots as of 2 November 2012, in Rövershagen, Germany.

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